JanBhagidari: Citizen Involvement in the Indian Space Programme

Welcome to our web-page dedicated to "JanBhagidari: Citizen Involvement in the Indian Space Programme". Over the years, ISRO has embraced the power of citizen engagement, fostering a sense of pride, ownership, and enthusiasm among the public.

ISRO delved into initiatives like the "Chandrayaan-1" mission, where citizens had the opportunity to send their names to be carried onboard the lunar orbiter. Such initiatives generated massive public interest and allowed people from all walks of life to be a part of India's lunar exploration journey. Currently ISRO's "Student Satellite" program empowers students to design, build, and launch their own satellites. This program not only nurtures their interest in space science and technology but also provides hands-on experience for aspiring scientists and engineers. Looking to the future, exciting possibilities for increased JanBhagidari exist in terms of collaborating with educational institutions, organizing space-themed workshops, and offering research opportunities and internships to students are just a few avenues through which citizens can further contribute.

Following write-ups or links capture different aspects of JanBhagidari in Indian Space Programme.